Monday, September 19, 2011


Prior to the trip many people asked us how our training was going and what we were doing to get in shape for the ride. The answer was always the same. "Training? What for?" We did plan however to start a little slower and gradually work up to big mile days. It is only our third biking day of the trip but we were both were feeling good and made it 68 miles. We were passed by a few unladen, Lycra clad bikers today as we were flying up hills and both came to the awakening that we would rather not train than train without gear and than constantly have that thought at the back of your mind telling you how much faster and easier this would be if you weren't carrying your life on the back of your bike. Another awakening was bike trips are considerably more fun when the ride is downhill. Other than a few roads ending, trespassings, freeway biking, dinosaurs, and warnings from tattoo sleeved ladies of "tweakers" in the area today was pretty uneventful.

P.s. Is if bad I had to ask Drover what a "tweaker" is?

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