Saturday, September 17, 2011

Adventure Time

So when the crap really hits the fan at work in an effort to reassure myself that somewhere unicorns are frolicking I'll say to my co-worker "well I guess this is just adventure time with Christian and (fill in the blank)." Just before coming on this trip I left my credit card at a restaurant. I haven't got my check from work and won't until I bike back to Mesa so that left me with 80 dollars to live on for two weeks. Adventure Time! I know that probably sounds like a lot but it has been dwindling quickly especially with some last minute bike expenses. I'm actually really excited for the opportunity and so far it has been very rewarding. First my aunt and uncle that live in Los Angeles bought me lunch and then we found a Samoan wedding reception at a church we wanted to camp at and they gave us some free food and to top it all off California has winco's spread through out. We found our first Winco on the drive down and Nate had never been so we insisted on stopping and immediately went to the big bins of trail mix and rice they have. And were we excited about all the delicious candies and things like that? No. We nerdy trailwalkers immediately found and started extracting food from the apricot and almond bins.* ** So thanks to Winco and the generous donations of others I hopefully won't arrive in Mesa looking like an emaciated hippie. Looks like we will be camping at a Stake center tonight and hopefully the bishop will let us shower and get cleaned up so we can church it up with the Samoan ward tomorrow.

* dried apricots and almonds are part of the Anasazi food pack given to all youngwalkers and trailwalkers. In other words we eat them all the time.

** I get my asterisk skills from reading Maggie Franz's blog. If you don't read it you should if only to be amazed by her asterisk skills.

1 comment:

Maggie said...


*Christian! Flattered!!