Thursday, March 11, 2010

I guess a little ranting never hurt anybody. As long as it is just a little bit.

So for one of my classes I have to make a survey and document the results. I chose to do mine on adventure, go figure, and recently sent out my surveys to 100 unsuspecting students of BYU-Idaho. So basically the survey asks what people do for adventure, who they seek it with, etc... One of the questions I asked was something along the lines of where do you seek adventure.
one of the people answered "In my house on my computer." Really? Really? that is the best you could come up with? Now I know I'm not any sort scholar on adventure (is there even such a thing?) but I do know that if you want to have an adventure there has to be some form of risk. Does this guy really think that his fake, imaginary character on his video game puts his life in some sort of risk? I mean even trying a new restaurant involves some risk. How would it feel to have you whole life lived in virtual reality? At the end of my life when I meet God (hopefully, and hopefully not too soon) when he asks me how I enjoyed life I'll get to say to him "I loved it. I loved seeing your creations, I loved using my muscles to reach mountain tops and canyon bottoms, I loved spending real time with other people, I loved the whole experience. Hell, I would probably be up for the experience again." Let me end here with a little quote from one of friends, maybe you've heard of him maybe you haven't but John Muir said, "No right way is easy in the rough world. We must risk our lives to save them."


Myke said...

I really hope you drop that "hell" in there when you talk to God.

Sarah Stout said...

It's unbelievable to me that someone could answer that they search for "adventure" at home on the computer. What a sad state of affairs for those people! What a boring, lame life they are living. Thanks for this reminder to us all to get out there and enjoy the world that God has created for us.

P.S. I hope you're doing well.