Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mormon pick-up lines

Recently, while attending my Institutes after party, I was observing the people around me as they awkwardly met up with other people trying to do what all good single Mormons try to do that is; get married. When I had finished my plate full of fruit and sucked down the last of my cup full of water, I started walking toward the door and as I often do listened in on another groups conversation. As I was walking by a tall and kind of geeky looking fellow asked of a couple of girls, "so are you into 'Star Wars' at all?" Besides screaming "I AM A HUGE NERD" there was nothing worse that he could have said to these girls, and this is coming from a rather big Star Wars fan. No matter what he followed this comment with he had lost these girls. He had lost my attention and I was not even in the group. Next thing I knew Triumph the Comic Insult Dog quotes started running through my head and I nearly asked him if this was the first time he talked to a girl that didn't require his credit card number first. Of course I laughed nearly all the way home, and have been thinking of my own Mormon pick-up lines. So far I have only come up with one and it is "So have any other creepy guys hit on you this evening or am I the first one..." It's a work in progress, I know.


Kaity said...

that might work... that might just work.

Ashley said...

Christian!!!! You have a blog too!!!! So do I!!! How are you!!?? Where are you!?

Becca said...

to be really cool you have to blog more

Dave said...

Blogging more is another great pick up line.

Elen said...

How about, Baby, I'll make you my two year mission

Myke said...

OK, so I was an EFY counselor not too long ago and they had a pickup line contest. The following dialog won:

(A girl and guy are dancing as the following conversation ensues)

Guy: You know, I'm really grateful for Martin Harris.

Girl: Oh yeah? Why is that?

Guy: Because without him there'd be another 113 pages between us!

Sooo good. Soooo Mormon.

George said...

Love your blog.