Monday, September 22, 2008

My Life as a Worm

For all those who have never experienced spelunking in its fullness it is something you are truly missing out on. I'm not talking about namby pamby, walking full height, through a cave with a tour guide, i'm talking about inching along on your stomach like an earthworm ever worried that a slight tremor in the earth will seal your doom and bury you never to be seen by human eyes again. Recently I was privelged to indulge myself in this pasttime and it awakened all the childhood curiosity of my youth. I could almost hear the voice of my mother cautioning me to be careful, only I didn't so I carried on guilt-free and let my curiosity run wild. It was only until I came across an uncrossable chasm that I decided to turn back. To me the best thing about being in the outdoors is that freedom to go wherever I want, unburdened by the restraints of roads, crosswalks, or traffic rules. I'm not really even bound by the common decency to wear clothes although I keep them on mainly so as to not offend others. That and it usually pretty cold.


Sarah Stout said...

What fun spelunking adventures, Christian! Where are you at nowadays?

Diane said...

Those pictures are really cool. That looks like fun except for the claustrophobic part. I hope that part's not the whole thing, or I take back my comment about it looking fun. So I need to you tell me how you got your header to be aligned left over your picture, because for the life of me I can't figure it out. Head over to our blog and leave me a comment or something. Or tell Adam on Facebook.

Diane said...

And oh by the way, I guess I should say... Please? =)

bubsted said...

Dude, I've got gear. Now we can cross the chasm! We should go it again!